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Introducing Wellbeing Wins Webinars

Across six sessions this academic year, Wellbeing Wins aims to help you foster an inclusive, compassionate learning environment. In our new bi-termly webinar series, team youHQ will be chatting with wellbeing and education experts on a variety of topics. The takeaways from these conversations will create a useful foundation of positive emotional health approaches - and help you to experience your own ‘wellbeing wins’ at school.

Adopting email blackout hours to preserve staff boundaries? That’s a wellbeing win.

Learning how to tackle the topic of suicide with your students? That’s also a wellbeing win.

Our first webinar will take place at 4pm on 19th October 2023 - and will last for an hour.

Wellbeing Wins Webinars: Discussing Suicide in Schools with Compassion and Confidence - 19th October 2023, 4pm UK Time (BST)

You will learn about:

  • busting common myths around discussion of suicide

  • tackling the topic with empathy and understanding

  • actively breaking down barriers and stigma with young people

See below for more about the inaugural webinar and registration information. If you are unable to attend live, we highly recommend registering for the event via this link. The event will be recorded and shared out to all registered attendees afterwards.

📋 Session Details

19th October - 4pm UK Time (BST)

Join youHQ’s Jez Belas and Rose Rowkins, suicide prevention trainer and founder of Start the Conversation UK. Our discussion will help teachers and mental health leads break down the stigma of suicide and tackle the topic with their young people.

This webinar is suitable for mental health leads, teachers, and any school staff with an interest in wellbeing.

Wellbeing Wins is free and registration is not required to attend. However, registration will allow team youHQ to send the link directly to your inbox for safekeeping, forward you a reminder on the day, and keep you updated with any changes or updates. You can register using the landing page below.


This article was created by the team behind youHQ, a school wellbeing and personal development platform.

We believe in helping the mental health of teachers and students through values-based goalsetting and wellbeing support. Our cutting-edge app is changing the way schools care for their people.

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