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Identify, engage, and manage


Teacher dashboard

Keep a closer eye on those that may need more support

The teacher dashboard creates an overview of individual students, whole classrooms, and even year groups. Tutors and pastoral leads can easily filter through mood and learning confidence as well as name, class, or year - perfect for fast identification of continually low scores enabling more time to prepare a planned response.

youHQ Desktop and Mobile Wellness Platform Mockup
youHQ snapshot report with sample wellbeing and personal development data

youHQ Insights and Reporting

Seeing the whole student

The youHQ Half-term Report provides a tailored overview of every single student. It looks at how successful they've been at setting and achieving values-based goals, it provides an indicator of mood averages, and outlines the holistic personal development score based on the youHQ Snapshot tool.

1 report | 4 audiences

These reports can be used by the student to build awareness and skills around wellbeing and set future targets; by the teacher to build stronger tutor-pupil engagement; by staff to alert them to potential safeguarding issues; and by parents to inform them of their child's perception of school attainment and progress. 

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