youHQ Live in Dubai
🗓️ 26/04/2024, 8am - 12:30pm
📍 Emirates International School - Jumeirah
Past Event
Event Summary
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for wellbeing strategies and mental health services has increased worldwide. According to research released in February 2024, almost one in four (23.3%) Emirati high school students report experiencing symptoms of anxiety, whilst one in six (17.1%) young people in the UAE are experiencing depression.
We're uniting headteachers, SLT, teachers, EdTech specialists, wellbeing coaches, and psychologists to network and share best practice for emotional health in UAE Schools.
Join us for a free half-day conference and event on 26th April 2024 and forge an inclusive whole-school wellbeing environment, discover targeted approaches for EBSA and school rejection, and prioritise student voice.
8:00 - 8:30 Registration and Networking
08:30 - 09:00 Welcome and Keynote 1
Whole Child, Whole School: Elevating Wellbeing through Character and Values Education
09:00 - 09:50 Breakout Workshop 1
Attendees choose to attend one of the three following expert-led workshop options:
1A: Student Voice & Leadership - Amy Carroll
1B: Acting Out: Harnessing the Power of Theatre In Education - Emma Isbell (Dune Productions)
1C: Wellbeing: School Rejection Solutions - Louise Dawson
09:50 - 10:20 Pause for Networking
10:20 - 10:50 Keynote 2
Digital Strategy and Wellbeing: 'It Takes a Village to Raise a Digital Native' - Philippa Wraithmell
10:50 - 11:40 Breakout Workshop 2
Attendees choose to attend one of the three following expert-led workshop options:
2A: Embedding a Wellbeing App for staff and students - Robert Ellis, Jon Ford and Melissa Claridge
2B: Wellbeing: A Potential Indicator for Additional Needs? - Louise Dawson
2C: Breaking Barriers: Inclusive Strategies for PE Teachers - Ben Daniels and Jez Belas
11:40 - 12:10 Keynote 3 and Closing Remarks
The Power of Education: Transforming Education through Meaningful Relationships - Dr Ruba Tabari
12:10 - 12:30 Dune's Wellbeing Theatre Production
Location Details
Venue: Emirates International School - Jumeirah
Address: Al Thanya St - Umm Al Sheif - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Refreshments and prayer space provided and available for those who need them.
Map available via the embed below - or click here to view.